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The Lean Canvas Diagnostic - Part 7 of 7: Right action, right time

Get commitment on next actions

This is where I summarize the learnings from the session, outline the next steps and get the team’s commitment.

Wrap-up Talking Points

One Business Model Variant Per Canvas

The first session's goal is to get the team to outline their idea as a business model.

  • If multiple business models exist on one canvas, I remind them to split them into 3-5 more specific variants.
  • I remind them to consider additional variants if they have just one narrow business model.

Why Now Elevator Pitch (Desirability stress-testing)

This is where most of the time got spent.For each new Lean Canvas variant, I remind them to use the Innovator’s Gift mental model to formulate a Why Now Story Pitch. This is where they need to make a case for their idea without relying on the solution.Traction Roadmap (Viability and Feasibility stress-testing prep)

I remind them to apply the Rapid Viability Stress Test recipe and create a Traction Roadmap for our next session.Queue up the next session

As insightful as this conversation may have been for the team, it’s essential to deliberately queue up the next session to build a continuous innovation habit loop.To do that, I first remind the team about the importance of getting their Traction Roadmap done:

  • For a new idea, this helps the team stress test the viability of their idea and formulate a launch plan.
  • For an idea already in motion, this helps the team double-check the viability of their idea and formulate a growth plan.

Then I pull up a calendar and schedule the next session (if not already scheduled).This simple step is an external accountability forcing function. I talked about the importance of implementing a time-boxed coaching cadence here.Once I have their commitment, we are done with the first session.The Lean Canvas Diagnostic 7-Part Series TOC

  1. Backstory
  2. Structure
  3. Identify Riskiest Assumptions
  4. Desirability Stress Testing
  5. Viability Stress Testing
  6. Feasibility Stress Testing
  7. Right action, right time

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